DSA Events

All our events are open to anyone, even if you are not a member of the DSA. Curious about DSA? Feel free to attend a meeting, contact us, or officially join us and find out more!



Labor Committee

The first meeting of Green Mountain DSA’s Labor Committee will take place on Zoom. Please email hello@champlainvalleydsa.org for the link.

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Palestine Discussion

Join CVDSA’s Palestine Solidarity Working Group for an informal conversation about the ongoing events in Gaza. A place for reflection and processing, not an organizing meeting or a teach-in.

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Palestine Discussion

Join CVDSA’s Palestine Solidarity Working Group for an informal conversation about the ongoing events in Gaza. A place for reflection and processing, not an organizing meeting or a teach-in.

Our loose theme this time is “How do we win an arms embargo?”, and we have a highly optional reading.

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