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UVM United Against Cuts Car Rally

Join us to tell the UVM administration that the faculty, staff, and service workers who have supported students through this pandemic are ESSENTIAL and NOT DISPOSABLE. SHOW US THE BOOKS, and if cuts are needed, CHOP FROM THE TOP!

Meet at 12 noon in the Staples parking lot on Williston Road for this car rally. We will circle the campus and the Englesby, the UVM president's house. This rally will observe strict social distancing guidelines, so affix legible signs to your car with your message such as "UVM Students Depend on Essential Workers" and "No cuts to faculty and staff." Check back for more route and rally details.

Not in town? Can't make the rally? Post a selfie with your message for a virtual protest to support the car rally and amplify our message!

May 10

Communist Manifesto Reading Group

May 17

Monthly Meeting